Find me some grub!

(North America March2024 edition) is a Maplefish LLC experiment in free, small and useful software.

Your privacy is respected: No cookies, no IP logging, no fingerprinting, no tracking. We only need your geolocation to discover what establishments are near you. However, if you click on the returned places, you will be taken to Google Maps, which may track you...

This site is "powered by" OpenBSD, OpenBSD httpd+fastcgi, a tiny bit of client-side Javascript (on this wepage), Maplefish open source code (release TBD), written in PicoLisp, and heavily parsed pbf dump of data downloaded from OpenStreetMap (OSM). If you find that the returned list is incomplete or incorrect, please contribute fixes/changes to OSM.

No apologies on the minimalist "90s is calling" look...

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